

PrestaShop 1.6.x. 如何管理博客

玛丽·吉尔摩 2015年1月22日
Rating: 3.4/5. 来自5票.

本教程展示了如何管理 Blog 在PrestaShop.

PrestaShop 1.6.x. 如何管理博客

Blog 在PrestaShop中是由 Smart Blog module.

A Smart blog module is a set of modules for adding Blog into your store.


  • Smart Blog;

  • RSS智能博客源;

  • Smart Blog Archive;

  • 智能博客类别;

  • 智能博客主页最新;

  • 智博最新评论;

  • Smart Blog AddThis Module;

  • 智能博客热门文章;

  • Smart Blog近期文章;

  • 智慧博客相关文章;

  • 智能博客搜索;

  • 智能博客标签.

It also has its hooks to display blog modules on the site as well as in columns only.

  1. 智能博客是一个主要的 module with a great amount of settings for blog functionality.

    安装博客菜单后 tab will display in the main menu of your admin panel where you can add/remove/edit the posts/categories or select the type of images and their dimensions used in the posts (types and dimensions of post images are different from product images 设置 your store).

    In order to 配置智能博客 module 设置和参数,请浏览 Modules -> Front Office Features -> Smart Blog 并添加所有参数,如下所示:

    • Meta Title -你的博客标题显示在页面上.

    • Meta Keyword -将使用的关键字 搜索引擎 for better SEO 优化.

    • 元数据描述 -您的博客所使用的描述 搜索引擎 for better SEO 优化.

    • 主博客网址 -您的博客的URL.

    • Use .html 使用友好的URL -启用/禁用添加 .html to the blog pages URLs using Friendly URLs.

    • 每页的帖子数 – number of posts that show up per page (category/archives pages, etc.).

    • 自动接受评论 -启用/禁用 the auto accepted user comments. If enabled, comments will be available without admin moderation.

    • Enable Captcha -启用/禁用 Captcha under Leave Comment form on products pages.

    • 启用评论 -启用/禁用 leaving comments by users.

    • 显示作者姓名 -启用/禁用 showing author of the posts on the blog pages and post single pages.

    • 显示已查看的帖子 -启用/禁用 showing number of times the users viewed the post. It will show up under the post on the blog pages and blog single pages.

    • 显示作者姓名样式 -修改作者名格式.

    • 《og体育首存活动》的形象: – adding the standard avatar image for all users.

    • 不显示图像 -启用/禁用镜像. No Image is set if there is no image for post/category, etc.

    • 显示类别 -启用/禁用 the category image and description on the blog category pages.

    • 博客页面栏目设置 – setting the display of Blog related modules. 它通常需要额外的设置, therefore it is recommended that you install additional modules in the same way that standard PrestaShop modules are installed.

    • Custom CSS – you can add additional styles in this field. Be careful using the classes that are already used in the theme since some conflicts may occur.

    • 删除旧Thumblr – is used to regenerate blog images in case image dimensions were changed or the new type of image was added. 若要重新生成,请选择 Yes and click “再生”:

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  2. RSS SmartBlog源 is the module 生成Blog的新提要.

    管理RSS SmartBlog源 module,请遵循以下步骤:

    1. 导航到 Modules -> Front Office Features -> RSS SmartBlog源 在管理面板中.

    2. Click “配置”:

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    3. 您可以编辑以下内容 module settings:

      • Update Period – allows to display posts from specific time period (hour/day/week/month/year).

      • Update Frequency -允许设置的频率 update (1周,2小时等.).

      你会看到 file path where news will be generated at the top of the page. 它由 website URL + /modules/smartblogfeed/rss.php.

    4. 不要忘记点击 ‘Save’ 为了保存更改:

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  3. Smart Blog Archive module is displayed in the left/right column of the Blog page and is used to sort posts by period of time (month).

    管理智能博客 Archive module settings as well as to enable/disable it,导航到 Modules -> Front Office Features -> Smart Blog Archive 在你的管理面板中:

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  4. 智能博客类别 module is displayed on the left/right side of the Blog page and is used to sort posts by category.

    博客类别位于 博客-博客分类 在管理面板的左侧. 智能博客的分类 module 设置可以在 Modules -> Front Office Features -> 智能博客类别:

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    To add the new blog category,请按 ‘Add New’ at the top right corner of the page, fill in the category fields and click ‘Save’:

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  5. SmartBlog主页最新帖子 Module

    该块显示在 homepagecontent hook only and is used to show the latest posts on the home page.

    它可以从 模块-前台功能 -> SmartBlog Home Latest -> Configure 在管理面板中.

    You can configure the number of posts to display on the home page in the 职位数量 部分 module:

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  6. 智博最新评论 Module.

    This block is displayed on the left/right side of the Blog page and is used to display the latest comments added for the Blog posts.

    导航到 模块-前台功能 -> 智博最新评论 -> Configure 在管理面板中 to set the Number of Comments to Show in the block.

    Click the ‘Save’ 按钮保存更改:

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    要编辑 Blog Comments,请按 the ‘Edit’ button in 博客-博客评论 on the left of your PrestaShop admin panel:

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  7. Smart Blog AddThis Module is displayed on the post single page and allows to share this post in social networks.

    Go to Modules -> Front Office Features -> Smart Blog AddThis module 启用/禁用它:

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  8. 智能博客热门文章 Module is displayed in the left/right column of the Blog page and is used to show the most popular posts viewed.

    你可以设置 要显示的热门帖子数 在街区里 Modules -> Front Office Features -> 智能博客热门文章 -> Configure 在prestshop管理面板中.

    别忘了 save 的变化:

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    博客文章位于 Blog -> Blog Post 在管理面板的左侧:

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    要编辑 Blog Posts,请按 ‘Edit’ button.

  9. Smart Blog近期文章 is used to display the latest posts and is usually located on left/right of the Blog page.

    你可以到达 module 设置 Modules -> Front Office Features -> Smart Blog近期文章 -> Configure.

    Set the number of Recent Posts to display in the 显示最近的帖子数字段 for the module.

    别忘了 save the changes by clicking the ‘Save’ button:

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  10. Smart Blog 相关的帖子 module is located on the post single page and is used to display 相关的帖子.

    您可以设置的数量 相关的帖子 通过填写 显示号码 相关的帖子 field in Modules -> Front Office Features -> Smart Blog 相关的帖子 -> Configure 在你的管理面板中:

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  11. The 智能博客搜索 Module is displayed in the left/right column of the page and is used to search through the blog.

    启用/禁用智能博客搜索 module,导航到 模块-前台功能:

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  12. 智能博客标签 Module 用于显示博客中使用的标记.

    导航到 模块-前台功能 -> 智能博客标签 -> Configure.

    Set 要显示的标签数量. 不要忘记点击 ‘Save’:

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Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

PrestaShop 1.6.x. 如何管理博客

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