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Joomla 2.5.x. How to edit/remove gallery filter/sort options

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This tutorial is going to show you how to edit/remove gallery filter/sort options on your Joomla 2.5 based template. For instance, the options on your gallery pages you want to edit say

Joomla 2.5.x. How to edit/remove gallery filter/sort options

  1. The headings like Filter:/Sort:/Sort order:  can be changed in the en-GB.tpl_themeXXXX.ini file located in the \language\en-GB folder (en-GB.tpl_themeXXXX.ini in \themeXXXX\language\en-GB folder) on your FTP where it says
  2. ;----------------------------------------

  3. You can remove the Filter part and change the word All in the category.php file located in the \templates\themeXXXX\html\com_k2\templates\portfolio folder on your FTP (lines 69-79) where it says

  4. The listed filters can be managed through the admin panel of  your Joomla site under the menus Components -> K2 -> Tags.

  5. You can remove the Sort order part and change the words title, date, views in  the same category.php file where it says (lines 81-89):

  6. You can remove the Sort part and change the words sort ascending/sort descending  in  the same category.php file where it says (lines 91-98):

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 2.5.x. How to edit/remove gallery filter/sort options

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